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Ma Belle Petite Bourge d'Emeline!

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 3:43 pm
by kiki
Salut à tous les mecs ! :)

Voilà, Emeline c'est une amie qui a 27 ans ! Pour être précis et franc avec vous c'est l'une de mes meilleure amie que je connais depuis longtemps (une amie d'enfance quasi) : on s'est rencontrer au lycée, on a très vite sympathiser et on s'est vite très bien entendu et depuis on ne se quitte plus lol (cela fait plusieurs années donc comme vous vous en douter ;) ) !
Depuis le début elle me fait super grave bander et c'est pas toujours évident de cacher ma régulière trique de taureau en sa présence !^^ :mrgreen:

Et je me suis dit que ça pourrais être sympa de vous la partager et quel pied ca serait d'imaginer un tribute d'une autre personne que moi sur elle ! :) Et qu'elle fasse bander un ou des autres que moi a distance, sans qu'elle le sache !! :o ;)

En tout cas n'hésiter surtout pas me contacter par MP si la "chose"^^ vous intéresse et si vous en voulez plus d'elle! ;)


Re: Ma Belle Petite Bourge d'Emeline!

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 4:01 pm
by SpunkBob
I'm sorry, I don't understand French, but I had to put my cock on her face. :P


Re: Ma Belle Petite Bourge d'Emeline!

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 4:02 pm
by drippingdick
does anyone know what is going on with the .com site?

Re: Ma Belle Petite Bourge d'Emeline!

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 4:04 pm
by SpunkBob
No idea, sorry, but I have to keep myself occupied today. :D

Re: Ma Belle Petite Bourge d'Emeline!

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 4:22 pm
by kiki
SpunkBob wrote:I'm sorry, I don't understand French, but I had to put my cock on her face. :P

I translate it via online translator guy for you, I hope you'll understand:

"Hi all guys! :)

Here, Emeline is a friend who is 27 years old! To be precise and frank with you it is one of my best friend that I know for a long time (a childhood friend almost): we met in high school, we quickly sympathize and we quickly Very well understood and since we never leave lol (it's been several years then as you suspect ;) )!
Since the beginning it makes me super serious bander and it is not always obvious to hide my regular bull trique in his presence! ^^ :mrgreen:

And I thought it might be nice to share it and what a foot it would be to imagine a tribute from someone other than me on it! :) And that it makes bend one or others that me at a distance, without that it knows !! :o )

In any case do not hesitate to contact me by MP if the "thing" ^ ^ interests you and if you want more of it! ;

P.S.: Click on the picture to see it big! ;)

Image "

And damn serious guy too good your dick on her !! You can not know for me !!! I see you like it a lot !! :o :o :shock: :shock:
What a pity you do not speak the same language as me! :(
Do you want more of it via private message? :)

Re: Ma Belle Petite Bourge d'Emeline!

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 4:25 pm
by SpunkBob
Yes, I'd love to see more of her. :P

Re: Ma Belle Petite Bourge d'Emeline!

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 4:32 pm
by kiki
SpunkBob wrote:Yes, I'd love to see more of her. :P

Obviously, it does not surprise me! :D Still in admiration in front of your 4 photos !! :o You put your balls on your face on the first photo !! OMG !! :o :shock:
If not, send me a private message, please. :)